
Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Mon Mar 2 05:49:09 PST 2009

On 2009-03-02 08:32:40 -0500, Leandro Lucarella <llucax at> said:

> I'm not following this thread carefully and I don't know if this is what
> you are implying, but: Please don't you even think in duplicating the
> locale stuff, at least on unix there is a very nice database that needs to
> be updated sometimes very often (due to stupid presidents like the one
> I have now that changes the summer saving time all the time).
> PHP for example maintains a copy of this locale data and is a real PITA.

I do agree.

In another post I proposed we create formatter classes for numbers and 
dates. This way, you can use a formatter binding to the UNIX database 
and APIs, or the Windows APIs, or Cocoa, etc., or you can build your 
own. All you need is a generic front end formatter interface you can 
bind to anything (and a common internal representation for dates) 
something like:

	interface DateFormatter
		string timestampToString(int timestamp);
		int stringToTimestamp(string date);

	DateFormatter defaultDateFormatter();
	DateFormatter dateFormatterForLocale(string localeName);

	interface NumberFormatter
		string intToString(int number);
		int stringToInt(string number);

	NumberFormatter defaultNumberFormatter();
	NumberFormatter numberFormatterForLocale(string localeName);

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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