
Jarrett Billingsley jarrett.billingsley at
Mon Mar 2 12:37:12 PST 2009

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Georg Wrede <georg.wrede at> wrote:
> My take:
>  * This is still a moving target
>  * Using this is a major hassle for the programmer
>  * With D2 itelf a moving target, nobody is going to invest enough time in
> this to actually use it for something worthwhile in the next 6 to 12 months
> anyway
>  * This is more application level stuff than language level stuff
>  * Doing this now will steal time from you, Walter, and many of us, both
> directly, and indirectly by leaching bandwidth in the newsgroup -- time that
> should be spent on more urgent or more important things, or even
> documentation
>  * If it's so easy to do, then why not do it a week before the release of
> final D2

I agree entirely.  Localization and internationalization seem like
things that should be at a much higher level than a standard library.
Everyone's going to want to do it differently.  Providing a thin,
cross-platform wrapper over what the OS exposes is fine, but creating
a proper i18n/l10n framework is a huge project in and of itself (I
think the 140MB Java package makes that abundantly clear).

I'd much rather see a rewritten and proper Unicode support
in std.string (support for types other than string, functions for
indexing and slicing on character boundaries) before this.

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