const?? When and why? This is ugly!

Walter Bright newshound1 at
Sat Mar 7 19:44:02 PST 2009

Sergey Gromov wrote:
> But I think that overall use of
> immutable types should be rare and thoroughly thought-out.  They should
> be used only when it's absolutely, provably necessary.

I suggest that that's exactly backwards <g>. Mutable types should be the 
rare, carefully considered ones.

> That's why I
> think aliasing string as immutable is a mistake.  It felt wrong when I
> discovered D a year ago, and it feels wrong now.

I know it feels wrong. That's the C background talking. I went through 
the same thing. It's sort of like OOP if you're used to C. It takes a 
while before it clicks, in the meantime, it feels wrong and stupid.

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