D compiler benchmarks

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at iki.fi
Sun Mar 8 07:13:23 PDT 2009

Robert Clipsham wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have set up some benchmarks for dmd, ldc and gdc at 
> http://dbench.octarineparrot.com/.
> There are currently only 6 tests all from 
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/d.php. My knowledge of phobos is 
> not great enough to port the others to tango (I've chosen tango as ldc 
> does not support phobos currently, so it make sense to choose tango as 
> all compilers support it). If you would like to contribute new tests or 
> improve on the current ones let me know and I'll include them next time 
> I run them.
> All source code can be found at 
> http://hg.octarineparrot.com/dbench/file/tip.
> Let me know if you have any ideas for how I can improve the benchmarks, 
> I currently plan to add compile times, size of the final executable and 
> memory usage (if anyone knows an easy way to get the memory usage of a 
> process in D, let me know :D).

The first run should not be included in the average.

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