Manual Deletion from Destructor

dsimcha dsimcha at
Sat Mar 14 11:42:27 PDT 2009

== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (SeeWebsiteForEmail at's
> Any statistics about the amount of slack memory due to false pointers
> would be appreciated.
> Andrei

This is a corner case, but run the following code:

import std.stdio, core.memory;

void main() {
    foreach(count; 1..uint.max) {
        GC.collect;  // Make it explicit to make absolutely sure GC is running.

// Marked as pure to emphasize that it's not escaping someArray to anywhere,
// so when test() goes out of scope, someArray is safe to GC.
void test() pure {
    auto someArray = new uint[15_000_000];

Disclaimer:  My understanding is that this may work differently on Linux, but if
you run it on Win32, it runs out of memory after about 20 iterations.

I don't know about the average, but the worst cases are occasionally bad enough to
make me eventually run out of 32-bit address space on stuff that should only be
using ~150 megs of RAM, unless I manually delete a few large data structures.
Associative arrays seem to be the worst problem because:

1.  They generate a lot of false pointers.
2.  They can often be large.
3.  If even a few nodes don't get freed properly, they can fragment the heap severely.

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