eliminate writeln et comp?

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Tue Mar 17 18:42:08 PDT 2009

Denis Koroskin wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 03:26:16 +0300, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote:
>> Denis Koroskin wrote:
>>> That's not a very frequent operation. In most cases you should use 
>>> Cout("Hello"); instead. An ideal design solution, imo (fast, short 
>>> and clear).
>> Interesting. Should I do the same in phobos?
>> stdout("wyda");
>> I'd like that particularly because write() is too common a name to 
>> place at namespace level for my taste. So then we'd have:
>> stdout("wyda"); // no newline
>> stdout("wyda\n"); // newline but no flushing on binary stream
>> stdout("wyda", newline); // write'n'flush
>> stdout.writeln("wyda"); // same
>> If we go that route I'll even drop writeln and rely on passing 
>> newline. For formatting there'd be stdout.format and stdout.formatln 
>> or something.
> This is funny because Tango has adopted exactly the same design.

Well it isn't funny. It's obvious: you just told me about it! :o)

> The only difference is that Stdout is written in upper case:
> import tango.io.Stdout;
> void main() {
>    Stdout("Hello, World\n"); // no flushing
>    Stdout("Hello, World").newline; // new line appended, flushs
>    Stdout.format("Hello, {}!", "Andrei").newline; // formatting
>    Stdout.formatln("Hello, {}!", "Kris");
> }
> It would be great if the two libraries share the same interface.

Ionno. In Phobos, types are Capitalized, values are camelCase or 

> BTW, since you are in process of redesigning of Phobos IO/stream system, 
> it would be great if you take a look at the Tango IO system, first. I 
> recall you telling that you didn't give a good look at Tango, so now is 
> the time. I particularly insist on talking to Kris about it; perhaps, he 
> has some ideas on the topic. He may also share experience with you 
> (errors he made etc). I'll give you a few ideas of mine in a separate post.

I don't know about licensing issues, and last thing I need would be to 
be accused of stealing from Tango.

> You shouldn't avoid looking on someone's code, especially if it may help 
> D get better standard library. There's nothing wrong with borrowing 
> ideas from others, too, especially if they give you a permission for 
> that. Tango is dual-licensed under Academic Free License v3.0 and BSD 
> License, so there might not be a need to, but anyway.

I have zero knowledge of licensing stuff, but I understand Walter does. 
He's not looking at Tango so nor should I. I'm sure it has some cool 
ideas, but so do other libraries.


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