What is throwable

Steve Teale steve.teale at britseyeview.com
Thu Mar 19 00:19:49 PDT 2009

The language reference says:

Throw Statement
Throw an exception.

	throw Expression ;

Expression is evaluated and must be an Object reference. The Object reference is thrown as an exception.

But the following compiles and runs and catches the RottenEgg.

import std.stdio;

class RottenEgg
   string message;
   this(string s) { message = s; }

void main()
      throw new RottenEgg("something smelly");
   catch (Exception e)
      writefln("Caught exception ", e.toString()); 
   catch (RottenEgg err)
      writefln("Caught RottenEgg exception ", err.message);

What is the point of class Throwable if you can throw any old class object?

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