Is 2X faster large memcpy interesting?

Trass3r mrmocool at
Thu Mar 26 15:48:39 PDT 2009

Don schrieb:
> The next D2 runtime will include my cache-size detection code. This 
> makes it possible to write a cache-aware memcpy, using (for example) 
> non-temporal writes when the arrays being copied exceed the size of the 
> largest cache.
> In my tests, it gives a speed-up of approximately 2X in such cases.
> The downside is, it's a fair bit of work to implement, and it only 
> affects extremely large arrays, so I fear it's basically irrelevant (It 
> probably won't help arrays < 32K in size). Do people actually copy 
> megabyte-sized arrays?
> Is it worth spending any more time on it?

Well, arrays > 32K aren't that unsual, esp. in scientific computing.
Even a small 200x200 matrix makes up 40000*8 bytes.

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