How about a compatibility list?

dsimcha dsimcha at
Sat Mar 28 07:58:46 PDT 2009

== Quote from Brad Roberts (braddr at's article

> It'd likely take roughly the same amount of work to update a list as to
> actually keep the libraries functional and useful.  It goes without
> saying which of the two paths would provide the most value.
> - Brad

That assumes that the person doing it is a major dev on the library and therefore
already understands how the existing code works.  If not, it could be much easier
just to black box test the thing and update the compatibility DB.

For me personally, the main reason why I don't write more patches than the very
few I do write is because the initial barrier to entry of having to understand how
a large codebase works just to fix a small bug is more than I have time for.  When
the bug is in some standard library module that is only 1k line of code or
something and can easily be understood in isolation, I sometimes do write patches
for bugs I want fixed.

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