[OT] [I mean totally OT] Re: What can you "new"

Sean Kelly sean at invisibleduck.org
Sun Mar 29 11:47:18 PDT 2009

Walter Bright wrote:
> Christopher Wright wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> The Battlestar Galactica finale where they just sent all their tech 
>>> into the sun and went native is a romantic delusion.
>> Thanks for ruining it for me! (Actually, thanks. I was never going to 
>> watch it anyway.)
> You didn't miss anything.
> I've only watched a handful of episodes. I found it to be so "dark", 
> literally, that I had a hard time seeing what was going on on my TV screen.

The problem I ran into is that the audio is mixed with the music about 
the same volume as the voices, and it almost seems like they applied so 
effects to the voice audio to make it sound more like they were talking 
in a big metal room.  In any case, I always had trouble hearing dialog 
clearly in that show, and often messed with the audio settings on my TV 
to boost that frequency range in hopes of hearing it better.  That's 
what I get for not wearing ear plugs all those years I spent at loud 
concerts, I suppose.

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