[OT] [I mean totally OT] Re: What can you "new"

BCS none at anon.com
Sun Mar 29 20:04:45 PDT 2009

Hello Daniel,

> [1] Which is a diplomatic way of saying "to keep people stupid and
> gullible."  No offence to any religious people on the NG; it's not
> individuals I have problems with, it's *institutionalised* belief.

I'm a cristian, but even so I'll *almost* go with you there. it's not institutionalised 
belief that is the problem but where faiths systems get the *power to force* 
people to beleave and not to question.

And it's not just in theology that I find this a problem; take a look at 
the (not unbiased) documetery Expelled (http://www.expelledthemovie.com), 
people are getting ostrosized for questionig the party line on evolution. 
Some of these people aren't even getting past "maybe" without getting shot 

Faith done right is the greatest power for good man will ever see. Faith 
done wrong is the greatest power for evil that can ever be.

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