Shouldn't __traits return Tuples?

Trass3r mrmocool at
Mon Mar 30 13:04:57 PDT 2009

Max Samukha schrieb:
> It's possible to statically unroll the foreach's with a template
> generating a tuple of consequtive integers (not tested):
> template Sequence(size_t count, size_t index = 0)
> {
>    static if (index < count)
>       alias Tuple!(index, Sequence!(count, index + 1)) Sequence;  
>    ...
> }
> enum members = __traits (allMembers, Class);
> foreach (i; Sequence!(members.length))
> {
>      enum funcs = __traits (getVirtualFunctions, Class, members[i]);
>      foreach (j; Sequence!(funcs.length))
>      {
>          // do stuff
>      }
> }

Well this is interesting. That code yields:
variable main.main._funcs_field_0 cannot be declared to be a function.

class Class
	int foo(int i)
	return 1;

auto funcs = __traits(getVirtualFunctions, Class, members[i])(1);

Error: function expected before (), not tuple(foo) of type (int(int i))

So it is a tuple although the docs tell us it's an array?

Strangely this doesn't work either:

enum members = __traits (allMembers, Class);
foreach (i; Sequence!(members.length))
      foreach (j; __traits(getVirtualFunctions, Class, members[i]))
          // do stuff

Though it correctly gets foo() (leaving out typeof above yields 
"function is used as a type") it doesn't compile when 
adding typeof:

"variable main.main.i voids have no value"

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