OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at yahoo.com
Mon May 18 09:26:37 PDT 2009

On Mon, 18 May 2009 12:00:02 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu  
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote:

> I've repeatedly failed to figure out the coolness of C#, and would  
> appreciate a few pointers. Or references. Or delegates :o).

The IDE is excellent.  The docs are reasonable once you figure out how  
they are laid out.

But basically, C# is a language invented to support .NET.  Try programming  
in any other .NET language and you find weird quirks and shoehorning (even  
in VB.Net).  C# is MS' language, so they build in all the things that make  
sense to support .NET.

two killer features for me: 1. .NET is usually installed or easily  
installed on any MS system.  2. the reflection/attributes are awesome.

That being said, I prefer the syntax of D to C#, there are definitely some  
warts.  Generics are next to useless, especially when compared to D  


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