Quicker GC group allocations

Sean Kelly sean at invisibleduck.org
Wed Nov 18 11:12:35 PST 2009

bearophile Wrote:

> Can something similar be done to the D GC, that share the same problem?
> http://bugs.python.org/issue4074

Seems like that would require a generational GC?  If so, that pretty much means a new GC.  If performance is an issue for a known allocation scheme, it may also be worth calling GC.reserve() beforehand.  This will pre-allocate a bunch of free memory within the GC and keep it from needing to collect, assuming you're just growing your data pool.  In casual tests, if I simply looked at the high-water mark for my app's memory usage and called GC.reserve() with that number at the beginning of main() my app performance was double or better than it was without the reserve() line.

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