Should the comma operator be removed in D2?

Yigal Chripun yigal100 at
Wed Nov 18 14:00:00 PST 2009

Ellery Newcomer wrote:
  foo(a, b) is identical to foo(t);
> does ML have any equivalent of template parameters? eg
> foo!(1,int);

I'd suggest reading the wikipedia page about ML.

in short, ML is a strongly, statically typed language much like D, but 
doesn't require type annotations. it uses the Hindley-Milner type 
inference algorithm (named after its creators) which infers the types at 

here's a naive factorial implementation in ML:

fun f (0 : int) : int = 1
   | f (n : int) : int = n * f (n-1)

you can provide type annotations as above if you want to specify 
explicit types.

here's another function:

fun foo (n) = n + n

if you use foo(3.5) the compiler would use a version of foo with 
signature: real -> real
but if you use foo(4) the compiler will use a version of foo with 
signature int -> int

note that I didn't need to specify the type as parameter.

foo's signature is actually: `a -> `a which is like doing in D:
T foo(T) (T n) { return n + n; } but unlike ML, in D/C++ you need to 
provide the type parameter yourself.

does that answer your question?

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