Short list with things to finish for D2

Travis Boucher boucher.travis at
Wed Nov 18 09:02:45 PST 2009

bearophile wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu:
>> * Encode operators by compile-time strings. For example, instead of the 
>> plethora of opAdd, opMul, ..., we'd have this:
>> T opBinary(string op)(T rhs) { ... }
>> The string is "+", "*", etc.
> Can you show an example of defining an operator, like a minus, with that?

T opBinary(string op)(T rhs) {
	static if (op == "-") return data -;
	static if (op == "+") return data +;

	// ... maybe this would work too ...
	mixin("return data " ~ op ~ ";");

I love this syntax over the tons of different operation functions. 
Makes it so much nicer, especially when supporting a bunch of different 
paramater types (vectors are a good example of this).

T opBinary(string op)(T rhs)
T opBinary(string op)(float[3] rhs)
T opBinary(string op)(float rx, ry, rz)

> In my set data structure I'd like to define "<=" among two sets as "is subset". Can that design allow me to overload just <= and >= ? (opCmp is not enough here).
> Bye,
> bearophile

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