The great slice debate -- should slices be separated from arrays?

Phil Deets pjdeets2 at
Tue Nov 24 19:09:20 PST 2009

I'm somewhat new to D; so take everything I say with a grain of salt.

It seems to me that there is a tension here between high-level and  
low-level. A high-level Array type might make slices be a Range. The Range  
would keep a reference to the Array type plus a start and end index. When  
the slice gets accessed, array range checking occurs to make sure the  
array hasn't shrunk outside of the area the Range covers.

Array!(int) x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
auto y = x[0..$];
x.length -= 1;
y[4] // array out of bounds error

Also, when Array reallocates, all the Range slices would remain valid  
since they call .ptr to get the pointer anyway whenever they are indexed.  
Maybe even appending to a Range slice would insert the elements instead of  

Array!(int) x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
auto y = x[0..1];
y ~= [5, 6]; // x is [1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5];

The Range would tell the Array to insert the elements, and the Array would  
take care of informing all the slices to increase their indices if they  
are after the inserted data. This would require Arrays to hold weak  
references to all of their slices. (I know the GC doesn't support weak  
references, but I'm just speaking hypothetically.)

I think this would be perfectly safe and would avoid all the issues  
presented, but the performance would suffer. This level of "fatness" would  
be unacceptable for many system-level applications. So maybe int[] should  
be low-level and perhaps even avoid appending altogether, while Array  
would be available as a library type. But now, we are almost back to C++  
with pointers and vectors. The main difference would be D's low-level  
arrays store their length and can be bounds checked.

Please forgive me if someone has already proposed this. I didn't go back  
and read all the past discussion before I posted this. I don't even know  
what the functionality of T[new] was; so I probably don't understand all  
the issues here.

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