owner pointers

Sclytrack idiot at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 29 02:10:27 PST 2009

Assume: no garbage collector

Let us say that we have two types of pointers. Owner pointers and view pointers.


owner(pointer(int)) routineA()
  owner(pointer(int)) a = malloc();

  //The compiler checks that ownership is returned or passed on to
  //another routine. (Possible?)

  return a;

--------------------  //Yes 20 long "-"

void doStuffA( view(pointer(int)) param)
  //not in charge of the deallocation.

void doStuffB( owner(pointer(int)) param)

void routineB()
  owner(pointer(int)) a = malloc();
  doStuffB(a);  //Passes on ownership.
  //routineB is no longer in charge of the deallocation, because of doStuffB.


void usingStuff()
  owner(pointer(int)) a = routineA();
  //You are in charge of the deallocation.


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