I wrote some D today and it's completely blowing my mind. Ever tried

Walter Bright newshound1 at digitalmars.com
Sat Oct 3 16:51:45 PDT 2009

language_fan wrote:
> It is funny to note that every time these new fans of D come from the C / 
> C++ / Java community. It is well known that those languages have long 
> been in a stagnant stage and if the developers just had courage to try 
> modern languages, *any* language would have a fresh feel. It is really no 
> wonder that those languages are starting to feel irritating in daily 
> work. I have never heard of a Eiffel / Ada / Erlang / Lisp / Clojure / 
> Scala / Haskell / SML / OCaml / Nemerle /<insert your favorite statically 
> typed compiled language here> zealot who suddenly found the enlightenment 
> in D.

D isn't meant as a language to enlighten people, it isn't a religion, 
it's a language meant to get things done with.

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