D marketplace

Tim Matthews tim.matthews7 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 19:59:12 PDT 2009

Walter Bright wrote:

> There's some overlap, but I think they serve entirely different 
> purposes. D.announce is for any announcements of interest to D 
> programmers, D.marketplace is for commercial things - products and 
> services to buy and sell. Think of it like the 'classified' section of 
> the newspaper.

Overlap is what causes categories to loose there importance. The 
categories should clearly draw the line in either definition, quantity 
of content, or both.

Currently we have "D" for all kinds of things:
D language.
Dmd compiler.
Blog posts.

Announcements has such low traffic that a split is not really necessary 
at the moment.

The newsgroups could possibly be restructured though for example:

D lang. (language spec & proposals)
D compilers. (dmd, gdc, ldc & others)
D dev tools. (debugger, ide & others)
D gui tool kit. (or maybe all non standard libraries?).
D bugs.
D annoucements.
D standard libs (old dtl + phobos & tango talk).
D OT (the kind of coffee lounge. must remain of interest to d 
programmers. for example: the sort of posts berophile finds on the 
development of other languages).

I don't know anything of the implementation of news groups. Is it at all 
  easy to just move posts in the same way as can be done through a web 
message board forum?

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