Can D compile for PowerPC Architecture?

Snake loaSolidSnakemgs at
Wed Oct 7 09:48:38 PDT 2009

Jesse Phillips Wrote:

> You will have to look at GDC and LDC.
>     * LDC compiles, but bugs in frontend
>     * porting of GDC fixes suggested
>     * runtime, inline asm and exception handling need work
>     * contact: none 

I looked into GDC a little bit, and I'm wondering if it can support the cell processor? I was looking at this article:

There are some additional things that are required to be used to fully use the cell processor. GCC is mentioned in this article so I think GCC would be the most appropriate compiler for C/C++. Since you guys support Linux Based PowerPCs, then i simply want to know, based on this article, if it would be possible to fully utilize the cell with D.

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