Revamped concurrency API

Jeremie Pelletier jeremiep at
Mon Oct 12 23:25:07 PDT 2009

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
>> Leandro Lucarella wrote:
>>> Jeremie Pelletier, el 12 de octubre a las 22:45 me escribiste:
>>>>> I agree. Particularly about lent. Immutable and mutable weren't
>>>>> considered complete without const, so I'm surprised that local and
>>>>> shared are considered complete without lent. You can even
>>>>> implement it without escape analysis. Strangely, from what I
>>>>> remember of Bartosz's posts, it was unique that was the sticking
>>>>> point, though you can implement both unique and owned as library
>>>>> types (though they do become less efficient).
>>>> I may sound ignorant, but that does lent means? I mean the word
>>>> itself, I couldn't find something relevant on google.
>>> The terms "unique", "shared" and "lent" used here generaly refers to
>>> the terms used by Bartoz Milewski in his blog[1].
>>> I think he defines lent in this particular blog post[2], but maybe you
>>> might need to read a couple of posts more to understand everything.
>>> [1]
>>> [2] 
>> I know of this article, he mentions the word but he doesn't say where 
>> it comes from.
>> My native language is french (I'm from Quebec, Canada), I don't know 
>> every word of the english dictionary. That's why I asked, I'm just 
>> curious as to what it meant.
>> I did some googling but I only landed on a religious page :/
>> I assume it means 'temporary shared' just like const is 'temporary 
>> immutable', but if i can make a link with the english language too its 
>> even better.
> to lend
> loan
> lending
> are all of the same root. "lent" is the passive/simple past/past 
> participle form of "to lend".
> I guess is the French word is one of "confer\'e" or "pr\^et\'e".

Thanks! I now make the link, may I then suggest the keyword 'borrow', 
seems to make more sense to me.

Do you speak any french or did you just google that? :o)

> Andrei
> P.S. Beer? Coffee? Marriage? I'll be in Quebec City on Dec 10th and 11th 
> for a talk.

I will most definitely try to be there, I'd love a beer or a coffee, as 
for marriage.. you'd need to be female from birth, sorry :)


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