Amusing D facts: typesafe variadic arrays are lazy!

Jeremie Pelletier jeremiep at
Tue Oct 13 13:56:36 PDT 2009

Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:
> downs wrote:
>> Here is a funny consequence of this amusing fact:
>> if you overload opAssign in a struct with lazy T[] dgs..., you can 
>> achieve the following syntax
>>>     WithFlag(GL_BLEND, true) = WithDepthMask(false) = tex.With = 
>>> Quads = {
>>>       foreach (i, q; qa) {
>>>         float f = 1f*i / qa.length; Color(1f-f, f, 1f);
>>>         TexCoord(0f, 0f); Vertex(q.points[0]);
>>>         TexCoord(1f, 0f); Vertex(q.points[1]);
>>>         TexCoord(1f, 1f); Vertex(q.points[3]);
>>>         TexCoord(0f, 1f); Vertex(q.points[2]);
>>>       }
>>>     };
> That's... just beautiful...
> -- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

If you forget the fact that he is using GL's immediate mode which is 
slooooow, yeah it's beautiful, would be better with an interlaced vertex 
buffer :)


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