What's up anyway -

downs default_357-line at yahoo.de
Thu Oct 15 04:18:58 PDT 2009

Justin Johansson wrote:
> - that the .sizeof a delegate is 8 bytes (on a 32-bit machine).
> AFAIK, stack pushes are still more expensive than a pointer dereference in contemporary
> CPU architectures.
> Justin

- with this weird way of writing posts? The subject should tell us about the content, not your emotional state! :p

Also I have no idea what you mean. Should delegate _values_ be heap allocated?! That'd be insanity. Also, I'm fairly sure you're wrong. The stack is relatively likely to be in the CPU cache. A random pointer dereferencing .. isn't. Also, do you really want to heap even more work on the ailing GC?

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