The demise of T[new]

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sun Oct 18 17:19:18 PDT 2009

dsimcha wrote:
> Here's my proposal for how T[new] should work:
> 1.  It should be a reference type to be consistent with slices.  Yes, slices are
> kind of a hybrid, but they're more semantically similar to reference types than
> value types.  If you can't modify the length of a slice anymore, then for all
> practical purposes it will be a reference type.


> 2.  A T[new] should support all the same operations as a T[] with semantics as
> similar as common sense will allow, including indexing, ~, .dup, .idup, slice
> assign, etc.  Basically, it should have, to the greatest degree possible without
> defeating the purpose, the same compile time interface.


> 3.  A T[new] should be implicitly convertible to a slice.  For example:
> auto foo = someFunctionThatReturnsTnew();
> // foo is a T[new].
> T[] bar = someFunctionThatReturnsTnew();
> // Works.  bar is a T[].  The T[new] went into oblivion.
> This solves the problem of slices not being closed over .dup and ~.


> 4.  It should be guaranteed that no block of memory is ever referenced by more
> than one T[new] instance.  This is needed to guarantee safety when appending to
> immutable arrays, etc.

That doesn't go with reference semantics. Uncheck.

> 5.  Assigning a T[new] to another T[new] should be by reference, just like
> assigning a class instance to another class instance.

Check. (BTW contradicts 4)

> Assigning a T[] to a T[new]
> should duplicate the memory block referenced by the T[] because this is probably
> the only way to guarantee (4).

No check, but could have been done.

> 6.  Since T[new] guarantees unique access to a memory block, it should have an
> assumeUnique() method that returns an immutable slice and sets the T[new]'s
> reference to the memory block to null.  This solves the problem of building
> immutable arrays without the performance penalty of not being able to pre-allocate
> or the unsafeness of having to cowboy cast it to immutable.


> 7.  As long as the GC is conservative, there absolutely *must* be a method of
> manually freeing the memory block referenced by a T[new] provided that the GC
> supports this operation, though it doesn't have to be particularly pretty.  In
> general, since D is a systems language, T[new] should not be too opaque.  A good
> way to do this might be to make all of the fields of the T[new] public but
> undocumented.  If you *really* want to mess with it, you'll read the source code
> and figure it out.

Check while delete still exists. Please use malloc for that stuff.

> 8.  The first call to opSlice on a T[new] should set a flag that indicates that
> there may be multiple pointers to the underlying memory block.  Before that flag
> is set, appends to a T[new] should result in calls to to free the old
> block whenever it needs to be expanded (since we can guarantee that we own it
> exclusively).  This will help deal with false pointer issues, since D's GC looks
> like it will remain conservative for the foreseeable future.


So now: every place I've said "check" means there was implementation and 
book-quality illustrated documentation that Walter and I have done with 
the sweat of our brow. At the end we looked at the result and concluded 
we should throw away all that work.


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