No header files?

"Jérôme M. Berger" jeberger at
Thu Oct 22 13:27:53 PDT 2009

AJ wrote:
> Now I'm unsure about .di files. Are they like .h files or not? Does D have 
> classes that are like C++ classes that can be declared in .di files and are 
> not just "interfaces"? What is the definition of  "interface" in D? I think 
> in C++ isms and generally accepted OO terminology for that kind of thing, 
> but I don't know D-isms at this time (for the most part).
	They are different from .h files because if you write them by hand 
there is no way to ensure that they remain in sync with the code. 
OTOH if you use the automatic generation then there is no way to 
control what exactly is put in it (a lot of code gets put in the .di 
file so that the compiler will be able to inline it where it is used).

mailto:jeberger at
Jabber: jeberger at

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