The Thermopylae excerpt of TDPL available online

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Thu Oct 29 05:12:51 PDT 2009

Jason House wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
>> It's a rough rough draft, but one for the full chapter on arrays, 
>> associative arrays, and strings.
>> Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!
> I still think is expressions are a glaring problem. Somewhere in the text, you use assert(!is(typeof(... as support for what you're talking about. That particular construct feels more like a hack someone stumbled into than clean, easy to read code. It's the type of thing a programmer will get wring unless they use it frequently. Even you've screwed it up in past Phobos releases!  IMHO all is(...) expressions should be revisited. Have you written the section(s) on them yet?

I don't think he uses is(typeof(...)) in the text. The code snippets in 
question are marked "Note: normally the code below would not be 
included...", and I suppose he's put them there as a reminder for 
himself and Walter on what needs to be fixed before the book comes out.

I agree with you, though, is(typeof(...)) is quite often misused, or at 
least used in an ugly way. Why not use __traits(compiles, ...) instead?


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