C'tors from templates

Robert Clipsham robert at octarineparrot.com
Sat Oct 31 14:04:25 PDT 2009

dsimcha wrote:
> Is there a way to run a class's c'tor on a block of memory from a template
> function?  For example:
> C newClass(C, CtorArgs...)(CtorArgs args) {
>     // Allocate, initialize.
>     // Want to call the c'tor that takes type CtorArgs.
> }

After reading the ticket you made, I was wondering if what you were 
looking for was:


This allows you to use a custom allocator/deallocator and not worry 
about calling the correct ctor/dtor. If you want to change it for all 
classes, have a look at the _d_allocclass (or _d_newclass depending on 
your compiler/runtime) function in the runtime. If you change this you 
will need to recompile the runtime and it won't work for anyone else 
unless they use your modified runtime.

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