Null references redux

Yigal Chripun yigal100 at
Sat Sep 26 23:53:05 PDT 2009

On 27/09/2009 04:07, Walter Bright wrote:
> Justin Johansson wrote:
>> Walter, in the heat of this thread I hope you haven't missed the
>> correlation with discussion
>> on "Dispatching on a variant" and noting:
> Thanks for pointing it out. The facilities in D enable one to construct
> a non-nullable type, and they are appropriate for many designs. I just
> don't see them as a replacement for *all* reference types.

No one was claiming that.

to reiterate -  non-null references are *not* a replacement for *all* 
reference types, they are just a better, safer *default*.

You can use nullable references when needed (that what all T? code 
snippets are all about) it just isn't the default.

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