Fatal flaw in D design which is holding back widespread adoption

BobR brhodes at simple.access.com
Fri Apr 2 14:50:42 PDT 2010

Matt wrote:
> Hello all.  I've been so fascinated with D ever since I first read
> about it a few years ago.  I read the design descriptions and
> language features just for fun sometimes at work when I'm bored.
> It makes me so sad, though, that the language will never take off
> because of one fatal flaw that plagues the widespread adoption of the
> language.  It's a flaw that makes educated people move on because
> they simply won't take the language seriously.  I daresay there have
> been millions who were about to learn D and then found out this flaw,
> unfortunately figured it was a beginner's language, and moved on to
> another exciting new language.
> The fatal flaw is that tabs are 8 characters in D's official style
> guide, including Phobos and other official D source code.  WTF????
> Lolz, is it 1968?  Not only that, but INDENTION IN D is 4 CHARACTERS.
> That's right, I'm not kidding... tabs are 8 characters but indention
> is 4 characters.  I truly apologize to you people who were born in
> 1950 or earlier who actually don't understand why this idea is
> retarded.  Tabs have been 4 characters for DECADES now.

I've used 3 ("three" the soon to be only LEGAL tab setting) for tabs for 
the last 20 years or so, FWIW. Try it. You will see that there is no need 
for 4 and more code will therefor fit on lines, not to mention the extra 
available comment space. Yes, more characters per line then your, 
decidedly, antiquated, and wasteful practice of using 4! Get with the 
times man! FWIW also, 2 is definitely too few. 3 is just right and if you 
don't agree with me and change your practice immediately, you must stop 
programming (in any language). You must do as I say!!! It will soon be 
ILLEGAL to use anything other than 3 spaces for tabs and any company 
selling text editors that allow changing the tab setting will be 
prosecuted to the full extent of THE LAW! So you see, it not only 
behooves you to comply, but to do so immediately and to rid your computer 
of any software that allows ILLEGAL setting of tabs different thatn what 
THE LAW OF TABS states or you may well indeed be considered a 
co-conspirator of the evil-ones-who-want-a-CHOICE-of-tab-setting.

Don't risk personal incarceration and impounding of your assets!!! ACT 

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