The Status of Const

Graham St Jack Graham.StJack at
Thu Aug 12 18:16:01 PDT 2010

On 13/08/10 10:18, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday, August 12, 2010 17:38:28 Graham St Jack wrote:
>> For me, the key problem is that a class object reference has the same
>> const/immutable/shared attribute as the object on the heap that it
>> refers to. This is sometimes what you need, but more often you want a
>> non-shared, mutable reference to a const/immutable/shared object.
>> You can achieve this with pointers for arrays, structs and primitive
>> types, but not with classes because a class pointer is just a pointer to
>> a reference.
> Hence the hack that is Rebindable!().
> Oh, and you _can_ achieve pointers to classes, but what you normally use are
> references, which do have the problem of not being able to be split between the
> reference and referent types.
> - Jonathan M Davis
So how do you get a pointer to an object? Taking the address of an 
object reference gives you a pointer to the reference, not the object, 
which is fair enough. As far as I know there isn't a way to get a 
pointer to the object itself, and even if you could, how do you use such 
a thing?


Graham St Jack

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