Phobos incubator project ?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisprog at
Tue Aug 17 17:27:57 PDT 2010

On Tuesday, August 17, 2010 13:38:39 BCS wrote:
> Hello Jonathan,
> > On Monday 16 August 2010 21:20:22 BCS wrote:
> >> (BTW,
> >> Unless you actively cull part, what you are looking for will end up
> >> with a
> >> bunch of old projects.
> > 
> > Eventually, we're really going to need a system for culling code -
> > especially if pretty much _anyone_ can post there. It may need to have
> > to do with age, or perhaps we can vote on them, and stuff that never
> > gets enough votes will be removed, or maybe it'll just be based on how
> > recently a project has been updated... Anyway, we're going to need
> > some sort of mechanism for culling code, so that it doesn't get full
> > of cruft.
> Data storage is cheap. Just cull the links to it.

I wasn't talking about data storage. I don't really care what's sitting there on 
the server. The issue is what is listed as being there. I think that dsource 
shows just how bad it can get when you list a bunch of projects and just keep 
adding to them. We don't generally want projects staying there forever. I think 
that projects are likely to fall in one of 3 categories.

1. They belong in Phobos. At some point, it will be decided to move them into 
Phobos, and they can be removed from scrapple (or whatever it is that we're 
calling this group of projects).

2. They don't belong in Phobos and shouldn't be left in scrapple. They're not 
maintained, or their quality is too low, or whatever, and they shouldn't be 

3. They aren't going to make it into Phobos but are good enough that a lot of 
people use them. So, for whatever reason, they're deemed worth having around but 
don't make the cut for Phobos.

At some point, it's going to need to be decided for each project in which group 
it belongs (be it because Phobos devs incorporate it, or due to votes for or 
against, or lack of maintenance or whatever). If we don't do that, we're going 
to have a large pile of projects that people have to sort through, and it's 
going to be a problem.

Whether projects which are removed are removed from disk is more or less 
irrelevant. What's relevant is whether they stay listed in scrapple. _That_ is 
the cruft that I'm concerned about.

- Jonathan M Davis

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