On C/C++ undefined behaviours

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Fri Aug 20 13:04:46 PDT 2010

"Kagamin" <spam at here.lot> wrote in message 
news:i4mjl0$2ucg$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Andrej Mitrovic Wrote:
>> What are these Java programs for the desktop that run fast? I haven't
>> encountered any, but maybe that's just because I didn't try them all
>> out. Eclipse takes at least 20 seconds to load on startup on my quad
>> core, that's not very fast. On the other hand, CodeBlocks which is
>> coded in C++ and has  a few dozen plugins installed runs in an
>> instant.

For me, C::B always took somewhere around ten seconds to start up (and then 
it kept using 5-10% CPU even when idling with all plugins disabled - a 
number of other people reported the same thing). But it's been awhile since 
I used it though, so maybe that's all fixed now.

But yea, I can't remember ever seeing a non-trivial Java app that wasn't a 
bit on the sluggish side.

>> Just firing up a dialog in eclipse takes a good second, maybe two. So
>> give me the names of those fast Java applications, pls. :)
> He's talking about arithmetical tests.
> There're faster java applications like Vuze that are faster compared to 
> slower java applications.

You have *got* to be kidding me. Vuze is one of the absolute biggest pieces 
of bloatware I've ever seen in my entire life. *Eclipse* is more responsive 
for me (although only just barely). There are exactly three programs I've 
always considered to be roughly tied for "biggest bloatware in history":

- Eclipse
- Vuze
- JetBrains MPS

And among those three, Eclipse is close to just simply being #3, right after 
a tie between Vuze and MPS for #1.

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