Range literals

Peter Alexander peter.alexander.au at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 00:56:58 PDT 2010

I know that D2 is supposed to be closed for new features, but I thought 
I'd mention this anyway just in case it's deemed easy/simple enough for 
inclusion, or even if it will just get considered for later on.

Anyway, we all know that we can do the following:

   foreach (int x; 0..10)

That will print 0, 1, 2 .. 9.

We could also write it like this:

   foreach (int x; iota(0, 10))

for the same effect.

If we want only odd numbers then we can use:

   foreach (int x; filter!("a & 1")(iota(0, 10)))

but what we cannot write is:

   foreach (int x; filter!("a & 1")(0..10))

because 0..10 isn't a range literal -- it's a special notation that only 
applies to foreach loops and array slicing.

Proposal: Make a..b a literal that evaluates to iota(a, b) or some 
built-in equivalent. Of course, the $ symbol would not be valid for 
these literals.

More advanced proposal: Make .. into a binary operator, which is 
language-defined for integer data types (takes two integers, returns 
iota), and overloadable for user data-types. Why would you want to 
overload it? For linked data-structures, it would be an ideal candidate 
for creating a range between two links (linkA..linkB).

- Creates more uniformity and purity across the language i.e. if I can 
use X and Y to the same effect (as above) then I expect f(X) and f(Y) to 
have the same effect -- assuming that f is referentially transparent.

- Adds a nice, intuitive shorthand for a common practice, increasing the 
productivity and readability of D code.

- It removes a special case of foreach.

- Doesn't (shouldn't?) break backwards-compatibility. If reliance on 
std.algorithm.iota is a problem then perhaps it would be best encoded as 
a D runtime type.

- Slicing still remains a special case, which might confuse people into 
thinking that slicing is an operation that takes a range (arguably, this 
is already the case)

- Requires core language and compiler changes.

I also have a proposal for slicing along the same lines, but I'll leave 
that for later.

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