DMD Samples

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Mon Aug 30 17:33:20 PDT 2010

I've fixed up some of the modules from the DMD2 samples directory (on Windows). I've reindented them all to make them consistent, except dhry.d which I can't seem to fix, or otherwise my editor insists that it's using 1-space tabs for some reason.

I've removed calls to printf & scanf and swapped with write(ln)'s in most cases, replaced some for loops with foreach, etc. I've also fixed the shell script. I've copied the wordcount code from the DMD website, because it was much newer than the one in the samples directory (wc2.d module, and I hope its ok that I copied it). There's another wordcount module named "wc.d", and it appears it counts a few words less than wc2.d. I dunno why.

Btw, did you know the d2html module, which parses a d file and makes an html file, couldn't parse itself? :) It had problems with the hash and backslash character. It's fixed now.

There were also some .def and .kwd files missing, which I've recreated.

I haven't fixed these:

They seem to be network-related, and I wouldn't know the first thing about fixing these. Sorry!

I probably missed the chance to make the modules use the most out of new D2 features, but I really just wanted to make these modules compile.

I haven't tempered with any license or author names in the files. Here's the sample directory in a zip file:

The new build batch file is build.bat, and the shell script will invoke clean.bat which gets rid of *.obj, *.res and other leftovers after compilation (I couldn't figure out a way to call "del *.obj" in the shell script). The invocations have been fixed as well, so it correctly finds shell.exe & dmd.exe in the relative paths.

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