Destructors, const structs, and opEquals

so so at
Sat Dec 4 08:31:48 PST 2010

> bool opEquals(auto ref inout Tuple rhs) inout {
>    foreach (i, T; Types) {
>      if (this[i] != rhs[i]) return false;
>    }
>    return true;
> }
> It looks a bit alembicated but let's not forget that Tuple is supposed  
> to be very flexible and to do a lot of things.

Const-system is a one big abomination, considering the consequences it is  
quite hard to say it is something good.
As complex as it may look, the above example addresses many problems of  
this system. I would hate to write equal C++ code.

Please lets not add any more keyword/syntax, already forgot we had "auto  

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