C#'s greatest mistakes

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Tue Dec 7 17:31:45 PST 2010

On 27/11/2010 19:49, BLS wrote:
> On 27/11/2010 04:27, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> http://oredev.org/2010/sessions/c-s-greatest-mistakes
>> Andrei
> Frankly said, I am a bit nagged by your overoptimistic D view.
>  From my point of view it is opportune to encourage people to use D2 for
> real world applications. We (our company) having a 20K+
> customer base are not able (and willing) to use D instead of C#, except
> for tiny in-house projects. why > database, gui, xml, just to name the
> top 3 issues.
> So .. What about an "where C# shines and D sucks" article. Let us start
> with LINQ in D, or do you prefer to talk about phobos collections ?
> Bjoern
> ps don;t get me wrong. I like D.

I don't understand your criticism, no one said "Hey, look at C#'s 
mistakes: http://oredev.org/2010/sessions/c-s-greatest-mistakes , 
therefore C# is crap, and D is better.".

There might have been other situations where Andrei has been... 
"overoptimistic" about D (duck typing comes to mind), but this is not 
one of them.
Instead, it's perfectly valid and useful for D to look at retrospectives 
about language design (as well as other kinds of commentary and 
analysis) from people with significant experience in this area. It's 
good to look for such insights, particularly because D is still in 
development as a language, so we can better understand what we are doing 
right, and what we are doing wrong.
In other words, it's not a pissing contest between D and C#. (or any 
non-emergent language for that matter)

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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