Fast string search

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Sun Dec 12 23:28:03 PST 2010

Found through Reddit, it may be useful for Phobos:

A possible partial D2 translation:

const(char)* volnitsky(string haystack, string needle) {
    enum size_t wSize = ushort.sizeof;
    enum size_t hSize = 64 * 1024;

    immutable char* S = haystack.ptr;
    immutable char* Se = &haystack[$ - 1];
    immutable char* SS = needle.ptr;
    immutable char* SSe = &needle[$ - 1];

    immutable size_t SS_size = SSe - SS; // needle length
    immutable size_t step = SS_size - wSize + 1;

    // if S is too small or SS is too big, fallback to std::search()
    if (step < wSize || SS_size >= (1 << 8) - 1) {
        throw new Exception("search!");
        //return std::search(S, Se, SS, SSe);

    // make SS hash
    //auto H = new ubyte[hSize]; // 64 KB
    ubyte[hSize] H; // 64 KB
    for (size_t SSi = 0; SSi < (SS_size - wSize + 1); SSi++)  {
        size_t h = *cast(ushort*)(SS + SSi) % hSize;
        while (H[h])
            h = (h + 1) % hSize; // find free cell
        H[h] = cast(ubyte)(SSi + 1); // can't overflow!

    // step through text
    for (char* p = cast(char*)(S + step); p <= Se - wSize; p += step) {
        size_t h = *cast(ushort*)p % hSize;
        if (H[h]) {
            int SSi = H[h] - 1;
            const char* R = p - SSi;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < SS_size; i++) {
                if (R[i] != SS[i]) {
                    size_t h_next = (h + 1) % hSize;
                    if (H[h_next]) {
                        h = h_next;
                        goto TRY_HASH_CELL;
                    } else
                        goto NEXT_STEP;
            return R;
    return Se;


import std.stdio: writeln;

void main() {
    string s1 = "hello, how are you? I'm well, thanks";
    string s2 = "wello"; // doesn't work with strings of odd lenght!
    auto ptr = volnitsky(s1, s2);
    writeln(ptr - s1.ptr);
    writeln(s1[ptr - s1.ptr]);

But as the example shows it doesn't seem to work with strings of odd length. Also it lacks the call to std::search() still.


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