is it possible to learn D(2)?

Jeff Nowakowski jeff at
Sat Dec 18 13:44:39 PST 2010

On 12/18/2010 03:16 PM, Don wrote:
> Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
>> D2 has *never* been officially released (like D1 was), though its
>> release was supposed to coincide with the release of Andrei's book.
> Where did you get that idea? I've never heard it before.
> (Genuine question, I'd like to know where that impression came from).

Which idea are you questioning? That D2 hasn't been "released", or that 
the two were supposed to come out together? The answer to both would be 
the newsgroup.

There was plenty of talk about them coming out together, and then time 
went by, and Andrei's book was relatively quietly released (unless I 
missed some big announcement; my memory was of posts trickling in of 
people who had pre-ordered), and no mention was made of D2 being 
released any more along with the book.

I can dig up posts if you like, but I'd rather not unless any of this is 
in dispute.

>> Walter and Andrei haven't been very honest in their presentations on
>> the state of the language.
> I think the initial estimate of how long things would take was wildly
> optimistic. I am certain that there's been no intention to be dishonest,
> at any stage.

Andrei gives other people a lot of shit over only showing the positive 
in their presentations. Both Andrei and Walter have misrepresented the 
open source compiler issues on their slides (and Walter had no excuse 
after Andrei was called for it on the newsgroup).

I saw Andrei's Google presentation and he talked a lot about D2 features 
and gave away a lot of books, but never once said that D2 was still 
being implemented and that serious bugs remained.

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