Optimizing delegates

Ary Borenszweig ary at esperanto.org.ar
Sun Dec 19 12:30:50 PST 2010

On 12/19/2010 03:43 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 12/19/10 11:35 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>> On 12/19/2010 02:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> On 12/19/10 11:23 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>>>> On 12/19/2010 02:17 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>>>> On 12/19/10 11:13 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/19/2010 01:44 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12/19/10 10:35 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 12/19/2010 01:21 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 12/19/10 9:32 AM, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have this code:
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> import std.stdio;
>>>>>>>>>> int foobar(int delegate(int) f) {
>>>>>>>>>> return f(1);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> int foobar2(string s)() {
>>>>>>>>>> int x = 1;
>>>>>>>>>> mixin("return " ~ s ~ ";");
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> void main() {
>>>>>>>>>> writefln("%d", foobar((int x) { return 2*x; }));
>>>>>>>>>> writefln("%d", foobar2!("9876*x"));
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> When I compile it with -O -inline I can see with obj2asm that for
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> first writefln the delegate is being called. However, for the
>>>>>>>>>> second
>>>>>>>>>> it just passes
>>>>>>>>>> 9876 to writefln.
>>>>>>>>>> From this I can say many things:
>>>>>>>>>> - It seems that if I want hyper-high performance in my code I
>>>>>>>>>> must
>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>> string mixins because delegate calls, even if they are very
>>>>>>>>>> simple
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> functions that uses them are also very simple, are not inlined.
>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>>> has the drawback that each call to foobar2 with a different
>>>>>>>>>> string
>>>>>>>>>> will generate a
>>>>>>>>>> different method in the object file.
>>>>>>>>> You forgot:
>>>>>>>>> writefln("%d", foobar2!((x) { return 2*x; })());
>>>>>>>>> That's a real delegate, not a string, but it will be inlined.
>>>>>>>>> Andrei
>>>>>>>> Sorry, I don't understand. I tried these:
>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>> int foobar3(int delegate(int) f)() {
>>>>>>>> return f(1);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> writefln("%d", foobar3!((int x) { return 2*x; })());
>>>>>>>> => foo.d(12): Error: arithmetic/string type expected for
>>>>>>>> value-parameter, not int delegate(int)
>>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>>> int foobar3()(int delegate(int) f) {
>>>>>>>> return f(1);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> writefln("%d", foobar3!()((int x) { return 2*x; }));
>>>>>>>> => Works, but it doesn't get inlined.
>>>>>>>> And I tried that "(x) { ... }" syntax and it doesn't work.
>>>>>>>> Sorry, it must be my fault I'm doing something wrong. What's the
>>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>>> way of writing optimized code in D, code that I'm sure the compiler
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> know how to optimize?
>>>>>>> void foobar3(alias fun)() {
>>>>>>> return fun(1);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Andrei
>>>>>> This of course has the following problem:
>>>>>> int foobar2(int delegate(int x) f) {
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> foobar2((int x, int y) { ... });
>>>>>> Error: function foobar2 (int delegate(int) f) is not callable using
>>>>>> argument types (int delegate(int x, int y))
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> int foobar3(alias f)() {
>>>>>> f(1);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> foobar3((x, y) { ... });
>>>>>> foo.d(8): Error: template foo.main.__dgliteral1(__T2,__T3) does not
>>>>>> match any function template declaration
>>>>>> foo.d(8): Error: template foo.main.__dgliteral1(__T2,__T3) cannot
>>>>>> deduce
>>>>>> template function from argument types !()(int)
>>>>>> foo.d(12): Error: template instance foo.main.foobar3!(__dgliteral1)
>>>>>> error instantiating
>>>>>> So I have to go to foo.d(8) to see what the problem is, understand
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> is being invoked (in this case it was easy but it get can harder), or
>>>>>> otherwise say "Hey, the one that implemented foo, please do a static
>>>>>> assert msg if f is not what you expect". Basically "Implement the
>>>>>> error
>>>>>> message that the compiler would have given you for free if you didn't
>>>>>> use a template".
>>>>> Template constraints are meant to assuage that problem.
>>>>> Inlining delegates is technically much more difficult than inlining
>>>>> aliases. This is because a different function will be generated for
>>>>> each
>>>>> alias argument, whereas only one function would be used for all
>>>>> delegates. There are techniques to address that in the compiler, but
>>>>> they are rather complex.
>>>>> Andrei
>>>> I understand.
>>>> So why do I have to use a whole different syntax to make something
>>>> accepting a delegate a function or a template?
>>>> Why can't this be accepted?
>>>> int foobar2(int delegate(int x) f)() {
>>>> }
>>>> and let the compiler interpret it as:
>>>> int foobar2(alias f) if ("the correct constraint which I don't want to
>>>> learn how to write because the above SHOULD work") {
>>>> }
>>>> ?
>>> Because that would be unlike everything else in D.
>>> Andrei
>> What do you mean? It's not unlike everything else in D. It's *exactly*
>> like a function call in D.
> No function definition expands into a template.
> Andrei

But that is a template:

int foobar2(int delegate(int x) f)() {

It's a template that doesn't work because I have to write it in a 
different way. Sorry, I tried many different template constraints and 
none of them work.

I tried these:

int foobar2(alias f)()
   if (typeof(f) == typeid(int delegate(int x)))
   if (is(typeof(f) == int delegate(int)))
   if (is(typeof(f) == delegate))

What do I have to write to make it work?

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