Serenity web framework - early feedback wanted

Robert Clipsham robert at
Tue Dec 28 19:20:53 PST 2010

Hey all,

I've just uploaded the source code to a pet project I've been working on 
over the past few weeks - an MVC web framework written with D.

It's by no means ready for production use, I'm posting here primarily 
for some early feedback on how things work/how they should work/any 
issues I'm overlooking.

The primary files to look at are:

  - bootstrap.d: Entry point for the web app - this *is* going to 
change, haven't decided how yet.
  - example/controllers/Home.d: A hybrid Hello world/show some blog 
posts controller
  - example/models/Home.d: The model which the home controller is 
powered by.

Currently features include:
  - A minimal ORM (lots of work needed here, works for the basics though)
  - An HTML document builder - remove the need for ugly/inefficient 
templating systems, and allow output to HTML5/4/JSON/XML/XHTML to be 
easily switched between (only HTML5 currently works, and is slightly 
broken due to laziness, see comments in the implementation)
  - A minimal SQL abstraction layer - currently supports SQLite, 
functions similarly to the HTML document builder

Obviously there's still a lot to do, things that come to mind are 
logging, caching, configuration, security, administration, <insert huge 
list of functionality todays web frameworks have>.

Any feedback on what I have so far is welcome, I'm also looking for 
feedback on future directions, issues I'm likely to hit, ways you think 
it can be improved from what it is now, things you think will be 
important etc.



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