typing base ^^ exp

Don nospam at nospam.com
Sun Feb 14 18:48:53 PST 2010

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> I've tested the typing rules for ^^ and they seem wanting. One painful 
> example:
>     int a2 = 3, b2 = -2;
>     writeln(typeof(a2 ^^ b2).stringof);
>     writeln(a2 ^^ b2);
> The program writes:
> int
> zsh: floating point exception  ./test.d
> Ouch. Here's what I suggest:
> ====
> The type of  the power expression is: @uint@ if  both @base@ and @exp@
> have unsigned  types less  than @ulong@; @int@  if @base@ is  a signed
> integer  less than  @long@ and  @exp@ is  an unsigned  type  less than
> @ulong@; @ulong@ if  both @base@ and @exp@ have  unsigned types and at
> least  one is  @ulong@; @long@  if @base@  is @long@  and @exp@  is an
> unsigned  type; and @double@  for all  other combinations  of integral
> @base@ and @exp at . If at least one of the operands has a floating point
> type,  the result  type is  the largest  participating  floating point
> type.
> ====
> Makes sense?

The problem with this rule is (if I understand correctly) that  a2 ^^ 2 
  has type of double.
It's crucial that x ^^ 2 has the same type as x. The annoying thing is
that positive literal integers are of type int.

The existing behaviour is intentional (it's an intentionally generated 
divide error), although the error should be moved to compile time.
The idea is that int ^^ int should be illegal. Only int ^^ uint should 
be valid. The code above would therefore generate a compile-time error
for any circumstance where it is possible for the exponent to be
negative. Range-checking isn't yet fully implemented though. Currently
it only gives an error if the value of y is known at compile-time.

The intended behaviour is:

-1 ^^ exp where exp is an integer is transformed into (exp & 1)? -1 : 1;
1 ^^ exp where exp is an integer is transformed into (exp, 1).
Otherwise, if both base and exp are integral types, and exp cannot be 
implicitly converted to an unsigned, a compile time error occurs.

Whenever base ^^ exp is defined, typeof(base ^^ exp) is always the same 
as typeof(base * exp).

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