D Language 2.0

Craig Black cblack at ara.com
Wed Jan 20 13:43:07 PST 2010

> I am a bit suspicious of this. GC scans can slow down a little, but I'm not seeing this as a big problem so far. You can test and benchmark some of your theories. A problem I've seen is caused by the not precise nature of the GC, wrong pointers keeping dead things alive.

Here's an interesting thing I noticed when benchmarking my app.  If I comment out my call to nedfree in my overloaded delete operator, the application slows down by 17%.  This is because when memory is being freed as the program runs, allocated memory tends to have better locality of reference.

Thus, even if a GC scan never takes place, a GC will still be 17% slower than nedmalloc in my application.


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