dflplot/Plot2Kill, Most Mature *nix GUI For D2

dsimcha dsimcha at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 16 17:56:11 PDT 2010

== Quote from Johannes Pfau (spam at example.com)'s article
> That's a general problem with the gtk api, it's not directly related to
> GTKd. (gtk generally sucks at custom drawing, see
> http://federkiel.wordpress.com/2008/03/12/gtk-30-getting-serious/ about
> canvas for example)
> You need to do the following to draw to a Widget:
> 1. Create a drawing area Widget
> (http://gtkd.mikewey.eu/src/gtk/DrawingArea.html)
> 2. Get the DrawingAreas window using DrawingArea.getWindow()
> 3. A Window is a subclass of Drawable. So you can draw to that window.
> In the best case you'd encapsulate all that in a subclass of
> DrawingArea. But I'm not sure if that works with gtkd.

1.  Doesn't Window mean that the plot would have to exist in its own window?  I'd
like to be able to make a plot go to one section of a larger window.

2.  When I do:

drawable = (new DrawingArea(800, 600)).getWindow();

drawable somehow ends up null.

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