emplace, scope, enforce [Was: Re: Manual...]

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 06:17:48 PDT 2010

On 21.07.2010 16:26, bearophile wrote:
> Dmitry Olshansky:
>> The problem is designing such classes and then documenting: "you should
>> always use it as 'scope' ", is awkward.
> If you really want a class to be used as scope only you can do this, see the error message:
> scope class Foo {}
> void main() {
>    Foo f = new Foo;
> }
>> The second writefln prints garbage. I guess it's because of pointer to
>> the long gone stackframe, which is ovewritten by the first writeln.
> Yes scope has this and other problems (and I think two of them can be fixed), but I don't think emplace() is a big improvement.
> Bye,
> bearophile
Going further with library implementation as opposed to language 
feature, I made a (somewhat) successful try at implementing scoped classes:

struct Scoped(T){
     ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, Test)] _payload;
     T getPayload(){
         return cast(T)(_payload.ptr);
     alias getPayload this;
     static Scoped opCall(Args...)(Args args) if ( 
is(typeof(T.init.__ctor(args))) ){// TODO: should also provide decent 
error message
         Scoped!T s;
         return s;

now replace the orignal while loop with this:
while (i < N) {
         auto testObject = Scoped!Test(i, i, i, i, i, i);
         //assuming we have aforementioned evil function func(Test t), 
that keeps global reference to t.
         //fun(testObject); //uncoment to get an compile error - type 
         testObject.doSomething(i, i, i, i, i, i);
         testObject.doSomething(i, i, i, i, i, i);
         testObject.doSomething(i, i, i, i, i, i);
         testObject.doSomething(i, i, i, i, i, i);

and all works just the same as with deprecated scope storage class.
Even better it disallows passing the variable to functions expecting 
vanilla Test, it's limiting but for a good reason.
There are still issues that should be solved (name clash for one, plus 
the ability to define default construct Scoped!T) but overall it's OK to me.

Dmitry Olshansky

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