File.byLine should return dups?

Graham Fawcett fawcett at
Fri Jun 4 12:35:06 PDT 2010

Hi folks,

I expected this program to print the lines of a file in reverse order:

    // bad.d
    import std.stdio;
    import std.range;
    void main() {
      auto f = File("bad.d");
      foreach(char[] line; retro(array(f.byLine())))

...but instead it prints a jumble of line fragments. I suspect that
it's because byLine() is not dup'ing the arrays it's reading from the

This version works:

    // good.d
    import std.stdio;
    import std.range;
    Retro!(char[][]) retroLines(File f) {
     char[][] lines;
      foreach(line; f.byLine())
        lines ~= line.dup;		// note the .dup!
      return retro(lines);
    void main() {
      auto f = File("good.d");
      foreach(line; retroLines(f))

..but if you remove the '.dup' then it prints a similar mess.

So, is there a bug in byLine(), or am I just using it wrong?


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