Various documentation questions

Bernard Helyer b.helyer at
Sat Jun 5 06:34:20 PDT 2010

On 06/06/10 01:22, Bernard Helyer wrote:
> I may be trying to write a D2 compiler in D2 (you can't prove
> anything!), it's early days, but I've run into a few things I'd like
> clarification on. This won't be the last of these posts, I'm sure of it!
> *g*
> I'm not sure what are bugs, in documentation, in DMD, and in my
> understanding.
> ---
> There is no '**' token listed. I assume this is an omission (and lex it
> as a separate token in SDC, and not two '*'s).
> ---

I was thinking Python. The exponentiation operator is '^^' and is also 
not listed as its own token (I made the same mistake in my lexer as I 
did in the post! I've got to fix it now! :D).

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