Signed word lengths and indexes

Pelle pelle.mansson at
Tue Jun 15 02:18:02 PDT 2010

On 06/15/2010 03:49 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
> Here's what the wikipedia said about it.
> "In Python, a number that becomes too large for an integer seamlessly
> becomes a long.[1] And in Python 3.0, integers and arbitrary sized longs
> are unified."
> --
> (Just switching to long isn't good enough - what happens when long
> overflows? I generally don't like solution like this because it makes
> tripping the bug so rare that it can lurk for years. I prefer to flush
> bugs out in the open early.)

A long in pythonic would be a BigInt in D, so no overflows. Python 
integers don't overflow.

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