Floating point not loaded

Clemens eriatarka84 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 09:33:51 PDT 2010

I have a stupid problem linking D with C. This is with D 1.062, haven't tried D2. So say I have two files:

------ cfmt.c --------

#include <string.h>

char* myfmt(double x)
	static char buf[40];
	sprintf(buf, "%f", x);
	return buf;

------- test.d --------

extern(C) char* myfmt(double x);

void main()


and I compile and link them as follows:

> dmc -c cfmt.c
> dmd test.d cfmt.obj
> test.exe

I get the runtime error "Floating point not loaded". No exception or anything, the executable just terminates with that message on the terminal. I found a short paragraph about that runtime error on
but it wasn't too helpful; a quick grep showed me that _fltused occurs in both cfmt.obj and test.obj.

Anyone seen this before? What can I do? I'm pretty sure this used to work with an older version. The actual real-world use case is linking to Lua, which bombs out with the same message once you use the string concatenation operator with a numeric argument. I used the Lua binding from dsource which comes with a precompiled library, and just to be sure I then compiled my own version of Lua with dmc; to no avail.


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