main.d(61): Error: temp_[i_] isn't mutable

Ben Hanson Ben.Hanson at
Sat Jun 19 10:30:26 PDT 2010

Hi there,

I'm converting the following C++ function to D:

    void negate ()
        const std::size_t max_chars_ = sizeof (CharT) == 1 ?
            num_chars : num_wchar_ts;
        CharT curr_char_ = sizeof (CharT) == 1 ? -128 : 0;
        string temp_;
        const CharT *curr_ = _charset.c_str ();
        const CharT *chars_end_ = curr_ + _charset.size ();

        _negated = !_negated;
        temp_.resize (max_chars_ - _charset.size ());

        CharT *ptr_ = const_cast<CharT *> (temp_.c_str ());
        std::size_t i_ = 0;

        while (curr_ < chars_end_)
            while (*curr_ > curr_char_)
                *ptr_ = curr_char_;


        for (; i_ < max_chars_; ++i_)
            *ptr_ = curr_char_;

        _charset = temp_;

Here's the complete source:

module main;

import std.algorithm;
import std.string;

template regex(StringT)
struct basic_string_token
    bool _negated = false;
	StringT _charset;
	typedef typeof(StringT.init[0]) CharT;
	enum size_t MAX_CHARS = CharT.max + 1;

	this(const bool negated_, ref StringT charset_)
		_negated = negated_;
		_charset = charset_;

	void remove_duplicates()
		_charset = squeeze(_charset);

	void normalise()
		if (_charset.length == MAX_CHARS)
            _negated = !_negated;
		else if (_charset.length > MAX_CHARS / 2)

	void negate()
		CharT curr_char_ = MAX_CHARS == 256 ? 0x80 : 0;
		StringT temp_;
		size_t curr_ = 0;
		size_t end_ = _charset.length;
		size_t i_ = 0;

        _negated = !_negated;
		temp_.length = MAX_CHARS - end_;

		while (curr_ < end_)
			while (_charset[curr_] > curr_char_)
				temp_[i_] = curr_char_;


        for (; i_ < MAX_CHARS; ++i_)
            temp_ ~= curr_char_;

		_charset = temp_;

int main(char[][]argv)
	regex!(string).basic_string_token token_;

	token_._charset = "cccbba";
	return 0;

Can anyone explain the error 'main.d(61): Error: temp_[i_] isn't
mutable'? Can I use pointers instead like the C++ code? What's the
best approach for maximum efficiency in D (pointers would make the
conversion easier to, I guess).



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